Well, it is official....I am ready for the spring severe weather season, being that I just had my first tornado dream of the year last night. It was pure, unadulterated tornadic sweetness with multiple funnels gettin' it on here in Oxford and myself actually documenting on video. Cars hurling, buildings splintering, tornadogenesis with me being right there for it. Our local access channel was even running my video non-stop and people were asking me all about what was going on and of course, I was filling them in.
Now, I don't wish the above on anyone in the real tornado-less world in which I abide. It's just in lah-lah land I can have all I've ever wanted to see and no one gets hurt.
Now- (a la Saint Alantious Creechosporous the Lexingtonian)- here's 4.7 things about me and meteorology you did not know....
- I Have Over 30 Weather-Related Videos
- I Was Going To Go To Florida State University To Get My Meteorology Degree & Then Do A Master's In Severe Thunderstorm Morphology
- I Have A Digital Weather Station and I Do My Own Forecasting
- Cathy and I Are Trained National Weather Service Severe Weather Spotters (Wherein We Are Provided A NWS Private Line To Report Severe Weather)
- I Got Ridiculed In 8th Grade For My Interest In Weather