Veritasian men of God maintaining the discipline of fun at- yes, church.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
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10/25/2005 10:49:00 PM
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Beth Price has to be one of the most talented young ladies to come through the Veritas community. So it was quite the hard thing to do to "let" her move on to that fantastic city, Boston, to continue her education back in '04.
There are indeed times in my current existence when I am bombarded with thoughts of "what the heck is this all about? have we made a difference beyond what I can see? just what is God doing?" There are dark nights in my cumbersome soul that not many know, and a lot of this flows around worth, efficacy and similar identity issues. There are pastor-types out there intimately acquainted with what I am talking about.
And, so, we celebrated three years together as a house church here at Dana (and previously Hester) and we reminisced, recollected and told stories that just attached more meaning to one another and why we do what we do.
And, we read Beth's Letter To Veritas all the way from Brighton, Mass, where we flew in April 2000 to scout out for a potential church plant. God spoke to us very clearly in Boston....that we were to be in Oxford, for Beth (unknown to us then), so she could thrive in Boston, and one day- almost five years later on a birthday celebration on Dana Drive in Oxford- speak a sustaining, healing verbal salve to my soul. All this right in the very place God turned our hearts to Oxford.
God is a master craftsman......weaving the delicate intricacies of our lives into what is going to be a tapestry of colossal beauty....the likes of which are being threaded now into a work of beauty we'll have never known.
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10/13/2005 02:08:00 AM
Friday, October 07, 2005
One thing I might miss about the traditional church: Pastor Appreciation Day
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10/07/2005 12:23:00 AM